Saturday, November 12, 2011

ORQUIDEA @ The Vintage Fair

ORQUIDEA is taking part in the Vintage Fair, running from November 11th to December 3rd 2011. This event is HUGE with over 200 shops.

ORQUIDEA is offering 2 new items for the fair...

Carolina Dresses in Brown/Green and also Red (not pictured) for 50L (regularly 165L)

And the Rock Me series of dresses (Blue shown below at special price of 50L)

With such a popular event, lag will most likely be an inevitable problem, but fear not! I found this link to a great blog that shows a little of what each shop is offering. It will save you a lot of camming if you decide to go. :)

Friday, October 28, 2011

ORQUIDEA has a fun Halloween gift out. Look for a lonely floating ghost and there you will find a pumpkin with this adorable free little kitty skull and cross-bone lounge outfit inside. Perfect for wearing out or for cuddling up on the sofa watching scary movies!

Sunday, October 16, 2011

ORQUIDEA has a fun vintage dress out and YOU get to choose the price! Just right click on the vendor, choose pay and select an amount.

This is an adorable polka dot dress just perfect for the halloween season or anytime really.

Thursday, June 23, 2011

ORQUIDEA Lilac Group Gift

ORQUIDEA has a group gift lilac gown out now. Perfect for an evening out, a wedding, or even just to stroll through a garden. A sculpted drape in the back adds detail and a flexi skirt with embroidered flowers moves gently in the wind. Includes optional flower chest detail. Group is free to join, but this dress will not be available for free much longer.
Visit store:

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

ORQUIDEA Half and Full mask Hunt GIFT

ORQUIDEA is proud to be participating in the STEAM 4 hunt. Enjoy a little intrigue and mystery with this brass Steampunk mask. The half and full mask options are the perfect accessory for a strange and beautiful look. An optional prim piercing and animated fan finish off the design.

Visit ORQUIDEA inworld and take advantage of this great gift!

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

New Sparkle dresses

I received a request to create something based on a gift I released earlier. So, taking an ultra sexy bodysuit and adding a playful little skirt, I came up with this adorable little set of Sparkling dresses. It's available in 4 colors and looks as good without the skirt as with. Each single dress is available for an incredibly reasonable 75L, and all four can be purchased together as a fat pack for only 200L. I hope you enjoy them! Find them inworld here.